
The AVA publishes a number of books, all of which are available at discount prices to AVA members…

  • Volume I – The Atwood-Coffee Catalogue of United States and Canadian Transportation Tokens, The Listing: (2007; 940 pages, hardbound or loose-leaf): 6th Edition. Complete listing of all known U.S. and Canadian transportation tokens, with collector values.
  • Volume II – The Atwood-Coffee Catalogue of United States and Canadian Transportation Tokens: History and Encyclopedia of Transportation Tokens: (1984; 776 pages, hardbound): 4th Edition. Compendium of stories and articles about transportation tokens with thousands of photos, quantities struck, dates of usage, rates of fare, etc.
  • Volume III – The Atwood-Coffee Catalogue of United States and Canadian Transportation Tokens: The Die Variety Encyclopedia (1986; 946 pages, hardbound): Lists minor die varieties of U.S. and Canadian transportation tokens, with thousands of enlarged, high quality photos.
  • Land Company and Real Estate Tokens (110 pages, hardbound)

To order, contact Rich Mallicote