
The New Issue Service

The New Issues Service is the easiest and least expensive method of obtaining newly issued transportation tokens from the issuing agencies. Each time new tokens are discovered and reported to the A.V.A. we make every effort to obtain a supply for the members of the N.I.S. Once the tokens are obtained, they are sent to N.I.S. members at the small markup of 15¢ above the acquisition costs, rounded up to the nearest nickel, plus postage and a 10¢ self insurance fee for each shipment. That results in a cost per token of less than the price of one postage stamp (plus the price of the token of course) to write the issuing agency to inquire about their newly issued token. We are not always successful in obtaining the new tokens, however, if we are not able to obtain the tokens, it is unlikely individual requestors would be either. The markup on tokens is, in part, used to offset costs of invoices, statements, address labels, padded mailers and other expenses associated with obtaining and shipping the tokens.

Each member is required to maintain a minimum deposit of $15.00, although the average N.I.S. member maintains a balance considerably higher, to avoid having to mail a check for deposit following each shipment receipt. These deposits are used to obtain the tokens for N.I.S. distribution. An initial deposit of $30.00 is suggested as the latest N.I.S. shipment will be supplied upon receipt of the deposit and that will still leave a balance large enough to insure receipt of the next shipment.

The full NIS Policy can be downloaded as an Adobe PDF document or as a Microsoft Word Document. Email us for more information.

Past Issues of The Fare Box dating back to 1947

Car Wash Tokens

James P. Delaney currently maintains the Car Wash token catalog. The catalog itself is broken down in approximately 70 Microsoft word documents, including car wash tokens for:

  • Each U.S. state
  • Each Canadian province
  • Mexico
  • Foreign listings from 28 additional countries
  • Unidentified
  • Chain Stock Tokens
  • Manufacturers Stock Tokens
  • Token Manufacturers Stock Tokens
  • Token Manufacturers Samples
  • Types of Sofspra tokens.
  • Introduction, Forward, etc.

Information and reports of unlisted tokens will be gratefully received by James P. Delaney, and as time permits acknowledged. When reporting unlisted tokens, please write out an exact description: precise wording on each side with all punctuation, metal, and diameter in millimeters. Then also make a legible pencil rubbing and send it along. In this modern world of technology digital scans, copier, and photos are becoming so common if you can provide that it would be very helpful. All of this helps us avoid mistakes and makes a more accurate catalogue for all of us to enjoy.

Requests for the current catalog should be made directly to James P. Delaney. Please indicate if you would like a particular state, province, country, or the entire catalog, and remember to include your email address so he can reply!

AVA Constitution and Bylaws