Tokens Links

ANA – American Numismatic Association is the big gorilla in the room. Some of the EXONUMIA groups/clubs are members of ANA and at the ANA events, they have exhibits to promote their particular type of EXONUMIA. Dealers with EXONUMIA items are identified on the table floor plan as EXONUMIA dealers and clubs are shown on the ANA Web-site. ANA Web-site: Aug 4-8 2020 – World Fair of Money Show, Pittsburg PA
 – Pennsylvania Association of Numismatists has both a spring and fall show. Approximately 60% of the dealers do not come from Pennsylvania but come from other states for a three-day show. PAN pays Coin Clubs $100.00 a year to cover advertising of the Club’s Coin Show. PAN Web-site: May 7-9 2020 – Spring Show, Monroeville PAOct 29-31 2020 – Fall Show, Monroeville PA
TAMS – Token and Medal Society plus IKO-TAMS – Indiana Kentucky Ohio Token and Medal Society information would best be available from Peter Irion and Paul Cunningham. This year TAMS used the ANA show for their meeting and banquet and Paul was Chairman of the IKO-TAMS show in Englewood (Dayton) Ohio.
 – National Token Collectors Association already has the AVA on their Link List Website: They have a joint venture with Token Catalogue to conduct their auctions Web-site:
 – The Elongated Collectors also uses the ANA show for their yearly meeting and auction. They also attend various shows (PAN, FUN etc.) promoting their hobby. Web-site:
 – Florida United Numismatists has a Winter and Summer show. While I have not attend any of their shows, I know there are AVA members that sell at the show and they should be providing details to you.July 9-11 2020 – Summer Show, Orlando FL

Links to other token sites

Dutch Tokens

Forrest’s Token Page

Focused on modern arcade tokens, but includes links to internet resources related to tokens of all kinds, a complete list of known Chuck E. Cheese and Cabela’s tokens, information on Mexican wedding tokens (Arras), and a list of tokens available for trade.

Good For One Fare

National Token Collectors Association

Parking Tokens

Tokens From Token Bob

Yanezhtok Collection of Tokens