I was born in Knoxville, Tennessee and earned college degrees at Rensselaer, University of Tennessee, and SIU Edwardsville.
I married my wife, Patty, in 1973 and we have three daughters who live in Florida and Colorado. One of those daughters has given us a grandson who we try to see as often as possible. We lived and worked in Knoxville, St. Louis, and suburban Atlanta before I retired in 2004.

My wife inherited a moderate collection of transportation tokens from her aunt and uncle and I have since added tokens to the collection. I joined the American Vecturist Association in January 2005, became Secretary of the organization in 2007, and took on the role of President starting in 2015.
Collecting transportation tokens has been an enjoyable hobby and our collection has grown significantly. I have recently taken on the role of Convention Chairman for the AVA from Joel Reznick who successfully managed AVA conventions for many years. I always look forward to attending the annual conventions around the country and I hope to see many of you at our next annual convention.