Well, it’s not just about tokens…
I started my collection in 1983 and I know there are many of you who started many years before that but I’ve been thinking about this hobby of ours…
I love collecting tokens, but I also love buying and selling them. It is quite rewarding to help the survivors of those who have passed on and have no idea what their inherited collection is worth. This of course provides two services. The first is to give a fair price to the collector’s heirs and the other is to offer tokens to the AVA and other collectors for a small profit.

Collecting, buying, and selling are great but I’ve learned over the years that we have a wonderful community that shares this common passion. I want the next generation to learn and get as excited as we are to be a part of this diversion into the world of tokens and all that comes with it.

One of the ways we enjoy this community is with the annual convention. It’s so much fun to visit different cities every year and learn of their uniqueness. More importantly, it’s great to get together with old friends and make new ones. I would really like to see our convention grow…not for the sake of numbers but to educate, encourage and inspire our members and attract new ones. If you haven’t been to a convention yet, this is a great time for you to plan on attending the 2020 convention. We will have the details for you after our committee meeting…stay tuned.